## version $VER: TOTBrowser.ct 26 (9.3.0) TOT_SCREENMODEREQUESTER_TEXT ;#DEF select screenmode ;#SET (//) TOT_SCREENMODEREQUESTER_ABBRUCH ;#DEF Cancel ! ;#SET (//) TOT_SCREENMODEREQUESTER_OK ;#DEF OK ! ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SERVERMESSAGE ;#DEF Server message! ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SORRY_CONNECTING ;#DEF Sorry, can't provide ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_IS_IMPOSSIBLE ;#DEF access to server ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_AT_THE_MOMENT ;#DEF at the moment... ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_YOURVERSION ;#DEF your version ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SERVERVERSION ;#DEF version on server ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_SIZE ;#DEF size: ;#SET (//) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_MENUBAR_FTP ;#DEF ftp-server ;#SET (//20) TOT_LAGERSCREEN_MENUBAR_EXIT ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_NETWORKON ;#DEF network (go online) ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_NETWORKOFF ;#DEF network (go offline) ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_TOWN ;#DEF town ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_ONLINEGAMES ;#DEF online games ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_CHATROOM ;#DEF chatroom ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_GAMBLE ;#DEF gamble ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_STORE ;#DEF store ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNEBAR_HEYGUY ;#DEF Hey guy.. ;#SET (//20) TOT_TAVERNESCR_GUEST ;#DEF guest: ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESIBUTTON_REGISTER ;#DEF REGISTER ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_CANCEL ;#DEF CANCEL ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_GETMAIL ;#DEF GET MAIL ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_UPLOAD ;#DEF UPLOAD ;#SET (//) TOT_RESIBUTTON_DOWNLOAD ;#DEF DOWNLOAD ;#SET (//) TOT_RESITBAR_OPTIONS ;#DEF options ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_TOWN ;#DEF town ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_FAMILYTREE ;#DEF family tree ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_DIPLOMATIST ;#DEF diplomatist ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_TAXES ;#DEF taxes ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_MAP ;#DEF map ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_MESSAGES ;#DEF messages ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_REPORT ;#DEF report ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_SPECIALISTS ;#DEF specialists ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_STATISTICS ;#DEF statistics ;#SET (//20) TOT_RESITBAR_RESEARCH ;#DEF research ;#SET (//20) TOT_REG_FIRSTNAME ;#DEF first name ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_LASTNAME ;#DEF last name ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_STREET ;#DEF street ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_POSTALNUMBER ;#DEF postal number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_TOWN ;#DEF town ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_COUNTRY ;#DEF country ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PHONENUMBER ;#DEF phone number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_NICKNAME ;#DEF nick name ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_EMAILADR ;#DEF email address ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_REMARK ;#DEF remark ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYMENT ;#DEF payment ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_BANKNUMBER ;#DEF bank identifier ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_CARDGUILTY ;#DEF card timeout ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_ACCOUNT ;#DEF account number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_CREDITCARDNUMBER ;#DEF creditcard number ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_BANKNAME ;#DEF name of bank ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_CREDITCARDCOMPANY ;#DEF creditcard company ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYCREDIT ;#DEF creditcard ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYTRANSFER ;#DEF own bank transfer ;#SET (//) TOT_REG_PAYREQUEST ;#DEF remittance ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_TAVERNE ;#DEF tavern ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_RESIDENZ ;#DEF residenz ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_GRAINSTORAGE ;#DEF grain storage ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_BUSINESS ;#DEF business ;#SET (//20) TOT_TOWN_ARMY ;#DEF army ;#SET (//20) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_VERKAUFEN ;#DEF sell ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_EINKAUFEN ;#DEF buy ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_WARENMARKT ;#DEF market ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_GOLD ;#DEF gold ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_ANBIETER ;#DEF offers ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_WARENTYP ;#DEF things ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_EINHEITEN ;#DEF amount ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_PREIS ;#DEF price ;#SET (//) TOT_HANDELSSCREEN_MINDESTPREIS ;#DEF min price ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_NOEMAILS ;#DEF No Emails for Tales Of Tamar! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_CHECKSUMZERO ;#DEF You should fill out the registration form first! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_COULDNTCONNECT ;#DEF Couldn't connect to POP-Server! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_TOTINITOK ;#DEF Tales Of Tamar is initalized! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_TOTINITFAILED ;#DEF Initalizing of Tales Of Tamar failed! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_REGSENT ;#DEF Registration form of Tales Of Tamar is sent! ;#SET (//) TOT_INITSCREEN_REGREJECTED ;#DEF Your registration was rejected! ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_UEBERRENNEN ;#DEF overrun ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_ANGRIFF ;#DEF attack ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_UMKREISUNG ;#DEF surround ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_FALLE ;#DEF build trap ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_HALTEN ;#DEF stop ;#SET (//) TOT_KAMPFSCREEN_RUECKZUG ;#DEF run away ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_TITEL ;#DEF Chiefmessage ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOONLINE ;#DEF Sorry, couldn't go online! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOOFFLINE ;#DEF Sorry, couldn't go offline! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILNOTSEND ;#DEF Couln't send email! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILSEND ;#DEF Email sending is OK! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILSAVED ;#DEF Emails are saved! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILNOTSAVED ;#DEF Failed to save emails! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOTREGISTRED ;#DEF You're not registred! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_MAILSAVEERROR ;#DEF Couldn't save email! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_NOMAILMEM ;#DEF No memory for email! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_ISONLINE ;#DEF Tales Of Tamar is online now! ;#SET (//) TOT_NVC_ISOFFLINE ;#DEF Tales Of Tamar is offline now! ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSRECEIVED ;#DEF emails received ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSTOSEND ;#DEF emails to send ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILALREADYSENT ;#DEF emails already sent ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSALRRECEIVED ;#DEF emails already reveived ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_MAILSFROM ;#DEF emails from ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_MAILSTO ;#DEF emails to ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_SUBJECT ;#DEF subject: ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_DATE ;#DEF date: ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_REGARDING ;#DEF regarding: ;#SET (//) TOT_MAILTEXT_WRITEMAILFOR ;#DEF email to ;#SET (//15) TOT_MAIL_ALL ;#DEF all ;#SET (//) TOT_MAIL_GNOM ;#DEF gnome ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMESBAR_EXIT ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMESBAR_HISCORE ;#DEF hiscore ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMESBAR_PARTICIPANTS ;#DEF choose participant ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_DEVICENAME ;#DEF devicename ;#SET (//10) TOT_MODEMOPT_DEVICEUNIT ;#DEF unit ;#SET (//5) TOT_MODEMOPT_BAUDRATE ;#DEF baud rate ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_INITSTRING ;#DEF init string ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_RESETSTRING ;#DEF reset string ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_DIALSTRING ;#DEF dial string ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_CANCELSTRING ;#DEF cancel string ;#SET (//13) TOT_MODEMOPT_PARITY ;#DEF parity ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_NONE ;#DEF none ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_EVEN ;#DEF even ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_UNEVEN ;#DEF uneven ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_BITVAL1 ;#DEF bitvalue 1 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PAR_BITVAL2 ;#DEF bitvalue 2 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROTOCOL ;#DEF protocol ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROT_XONXOFF ;#DEF XON/XOFF ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROT_RTSCTS ;#DEF RTS/CTS ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_PROT_NONE ;#DEF NONE ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_STOPBITS ;#DEF stop bits ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_SBITS_1 ;#DEF only 1 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_SBITS_2 ;#DEF use 2 ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_BITSPERBYTES ;#DEF bits per bytes ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_BPB_7BIT ;#DEF 7 bit ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_BPB_8BIT ;#DEF 8 bit ;#SET (//) TOT_MODEMOPT_MODEMPREFS ;#DEF modem preferences ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_SOUNDFX ;#DEF sound-FX ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_MUSICONOFF ;#DEF music on/off ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_SOUNDFXONOFF ;#DEF sound FX on/off ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_SOUNDCDROM ;#DEF CD-sound on/off ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_USEAHI ;#DEF use AHI ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_USEWAVETABLE ;#DEF use wavetable ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_USEDIGIBOOSTER ;#DEF use digibooster ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_AHIMODEID ;#DEF AHI modeID ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_AHIFREQUENCY ;#DEF AHI frequency ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDROM ;#DEF CD-Rom ;#SET (//) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDDEVICENAME ;#DEF device name ;#SET (//20) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDDEVICEUNIT ;#DEF device unit ;#SET (//20) TOT_SOUNDOPT_CDDEVICELUN ;#DEF device subunit ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_TCPIPSTACK ;#DEF TCP/IP ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_MIAMI ;#DEF Miami ;#SET (//16) TOT_INTEROPT_AMITCP ;#DEF AmiTCP ;#SET (//16) TOT_INTEROPT_GENESIS ;#DEF Genesis ;#SET (//16) TOT_INTEROPT_NAMEPOP3SERVER ;#DEF pop name ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_NAMESMTPSERVER ;#DEF smtp name ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_USERNAME ;#DEF username ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_PASSWORD ;#DEF password ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_TRANSFER ;#DEF transfer ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_VIAEMAIL ;#DEF via email ;#SET (//20) TOT_INTEROPT_VIAMAILBOX ;#DEF via mailbox ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_INFOBUTTON ;#DEF for printing info ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_OKAYBUTTON ;#DEF save and use changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_XBUTTON ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_PREVBUTTON ;#DEF goto previous page ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_NEXTBUTTON ;#DEF goto next page ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_RESETSMTP ;#DEF default smtp-servername ;#SET (//20) TOT_OPTHELP_CHOOSEMODEM ;#DEF choose your modem! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONCHAT_LOGGING_IN ;#DEF I'm trying logging onto the game-server.... Please Wait! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONCHAT_NO_CHANNEL ;#DEF Sorry, couldn't enter the channel! ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_ERNTE ;#DEF harvest ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_KORNLAGER ;#DEF grain stock ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VOLK ;#DEF people ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VERSORGEVOLK ;#DEF supply your people ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VORHERSAGE ;#DEF future harvest ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_VERTRAUEN ;#DEF confidence ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_ANNO ;#DEF anno ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_1QUARTAL ;#DEF spring ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_2QUARTAL ;#DEF summer ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_3QUARTAL ;#DEF autumn ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_4QUARTAL ;#DEF winter ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_MINUSERNTE ;#DEF decrease harvest ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_PLUSERNTE ;#DEF increase harvest ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_MINUSKORNLAGER ;#DEF decrease grain in stock ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_PLUSKORNLAGER ;#DEF increase grain in stock ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_MINUSVOLKSKORN ;#DEF decrease grain for people ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_PLUSVOLKSKORN ;#DEF increase grain for people ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_AENDERUNGENOK ;#DEF accept changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_AENDERUNGCANCEL ;#DEF cancel changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_KORNLAGERINFO ;#DEF show info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_KORNVERTEILEN ;#DEF split the grain ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_TBAR_JAHRESZEIT ;#DEF season ;#SET (//20) TOT_KORNLAGER_KEINESAAT ;#DEF Sure not to keep some grain for seed? ;#SET (//) TOT_KORNLAGER_ZUWENIGMUEHLEN ;#DEF You do not own enough (wind)mills for higher production! ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHUNG_ASTRONOMIE ;#DEF astrology ;#SET (192//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_CHEMIE ;#DEF chemistry ;#SET (193//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_NATURKUNDE ;#DEF nature ;#SET (194//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_THEOLOGIE ;#DEF religion ;#SET (195//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_HEILKUNDE ;#DEF healing ;#SET (196//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_KAMPFKUNST ;#DEF fighting ;#SET (197//20) TOT_FORSCHUNG_TECHNIK ;#DEF technics ;#SET (198//) TOT_FORSCHUNG_FORSCHUNG ;#DEF research ;#SET (199//) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_KARTE ;#DEF look at map ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_STADT ;#DEF back to town ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_GEHEIMDIENST ;#DEF James Bond Activity ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_ARTILLERIE ;#DEF inspect artillery ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_KAVALLERIE ;#DEF go to group of horses ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_INFANTERIE ;#DEF check the infantry ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_SCHMIED ;#DEF weapons and shields ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASERNE_TBAR_ARMEETRAINIEREN ;#DEF train the army ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_WENIGERPROZENT ;#DEF decrease percent ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_MEHRPROZENT ;#DEF increase percent ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_WENIGEREINHEITEN ;#DEF decrease units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_MEHREINHEITEN ;#DEF increase units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_EINHEITENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_EINHEITENRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_EINHEITENSLIDER ;#DEF slider for units ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_INSPEKTIONENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up inspection ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_INSPEKTIONRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down inspection ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_TBAR_INSPEKTIONSLIDER ;#DEF slider for inspection ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQX_TBAR_X ;#DEF exit ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQX_TBAR_OK ;#DEF accept changes ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQX_TBAR_INFO ;#DEF show info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_INFOHOCH ;#DEF scroll up info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_INFORUNTER ;#DEF scroll down info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_INFOSLIDER ;#DEF slide info ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_WENIGERRUNDEN ;#DEF decrease rounds ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ2_TBAR_MEHRRUNDEN ;#DEF increase rounds ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WAFFENHOCH ;#DEF scroll weapons up ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WAFFENRUNTER ;#DEF scroll weapons down ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WAFFENSLIDER ;#DEF slide weaponlist ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_WENIGEREINSETZEN ;#DEF decrease count ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_MEHREINSETZEN ;#DEF increase count ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_ARMEENHOCH ;#DEF scroll up armylist ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_ARMEENRUNTER ;#DEF scroll down armylist ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_TBAR_ARMEENSLIDER ;#DEF slide armylist ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_ARMEEN ;#DEF armies ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_VOLK ;#DEF people ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_PROZENT ;#DEF percent ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_ARMEE ;#DEF army ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_SOLD ;#DEF pay ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_EINHEITEN ;#DEF units ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_OPTIONEN ;#DEF options ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_STAT_INSPEKTIONEN ;#DEF inspections ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_ARMEENTRAINIEREN ;#DEF train army ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_EINHEITEN ;#DEF units ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_INFO ;#DEF information ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_RUNDEN ;#DEF rounds ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ2_STAT_KOSTEN ;#DEF costs ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_WAFFEN ;#DEF weapons ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_WAFFE ;#DEF weapon ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_INFO ;#DEF information ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_ARMEEN ;#DEF armies ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_SCHADEN ;#DEF damage ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_REICHWEITE ;#DEF distance ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_ANZAHL ;#DEF count ;#SET (//20) TOT_KASREQ3_STAT_EINSETZEN ;#DEF amount ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_JOIN ;#DEF join ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_SPLIT ;#DEF split ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_CLEAR ;#DEF clear ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES1 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES2 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES3 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES4 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES5 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES6 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_KASREQ1_BUTTEXT_RES7 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_ASTRONOMIE ;#DEF Info about stargates\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of stargates.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_MEDIZIN ;#DEF Info about medicine\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of medicine.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_TECHNIK ;#DEF Info about technic\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of technics.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_KRIEGSKUNST ;#DEF Info about fighting\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of fighting.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_ALCHEMIE ;#DEF Info about chemistry\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of chemistry.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_THEOLOGIE ;#DEF Info about religion\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of religion.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_FORSCHINFO_NATURKUNDE ;#DEF Info about nature\n--------------------\n\nHere you get info about your progress\nregarding knowledge of nature.\n\nYou need a profression level of:\n\n1 - for doing blablabla\n2 - for doing more blabla\n3 - for making blabla\n4 - for making more bla\n5 - to do blabla\n6 - to do blabla\n7 - to build blabla\n\nYou should think about it, which of the \nseven progressions you will raise,\nbecause you may only progress in a single case. ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_STUDYCONTRACTS ;#DEF watch contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_CREATECONTRACTS ;#DEF create contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_KILLCONTRACTS ;#DEF dispose contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_PERSONALMESSAGES ;#DEF personal messages ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLOMAIN_RESERVED1 ;#DEF reserved! ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLO2_BUSINESSCONTRACTS ;#DEF business contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLO2_PEACECONTRACTS ;#DEF peace contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_DIPLO2_OTHERCONTRACTS ;#DEF other contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_DAUER ;#DEF period ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_DAUER_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit period ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ANZAHL ;#DEF amount ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ANZAHL_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit amount ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_PREIS ;#DEF price ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_PREIS_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit price ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_WARE ;#DEF things to sell ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_HANDELSPARTNER ;#DEF cooperator ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE ;#DEF contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BESTEHENDE_VERTRAEGE ;#DEF accepted contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFTEN ;#DEF messages ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_ANSEHEN ;#DEF study message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_SCHREIBEN ;#DEF write message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_BEANTWORTEN ;#DEF reply to a message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_LOESCHEN ;#DEF delete message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE_ANBIETEN ;#DEF offer contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE_EINHOLEN ;#DEF incoming contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAEGE_WERBEN ;#DEF offer contracts ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ZURUECK ;#DEF go back ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_HANDELSPARTNER_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select cooperator ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERTRAG_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select contract ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_WARE_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select thing ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_ADRESSAT_AUSWAEHLEN ;#DEF select destination ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LISTE_HOCHSCROLLEN ;#DEF scroll list up ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LISTE_RUNTERSCROLLEN ;#DEF scroll list down ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LISTE_VERSCHIEBEN ;#DEF move list ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_AKZEPTIEREN ;#DEF accept changes ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_VERWERFEN ;#DEF discard changes ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_SCHREIBEN ;#DEF write ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_LETZTE_BOTSCHAFT ;#DEF last message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_NAECHSTE_BOTSCHAFT ;#DEF next message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_BEHALTEN ;#DEF keep message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_VERWERFEN ;#DEF discard message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_BOTSCHAFT_EDIEREN ;#DEF edit message ;#SET (//) TOT_STRING_TEXT_DER_BOTSCHAFT ;#DEF message text ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_BAUSCREEN ;#DEF buildings ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_RES1 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_RES2 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_TOWN_RES3 ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_KAMPF ;#DEF battle ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_LAENDER ;#DEF countries ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_HANDEL ;#DEF business ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_ERNTE ;#DEF harvest ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_FORSCHUNG ;#DEF progression ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_MAGIER ;#DEF magic ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_DUNGEONS ;#DEF dungeons ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_SPIONE ;#DEF spy ;#SET (//) TOT_BERICHTE_RES ;#DEF reserved ;#SET (//) TOT_EINGABEBOX ;#DEF input window ;#SET (//) TOT_INFOBOX ;#DEF info window ;#SET (//) TOT_WAEHLE_TCP_STACK ;#DEF choose tcp-stack ;#SET (//16) TOT_KEIN_STACK_GEWAEHLT ;#DEF You can't chat or play online games, because you didn't choose a TCP/IP stack! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT1 ;#DEF Welcome to Tales of Tamar! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT2 ;#DEF Probably this is the first time you start this demo. \nWhen you want hear the cd-rom tracks of Tales of Tamar you have to set the cd-rom device. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT3 ;#DEF There already exists a configuration of ToT. Do you want to edit it? ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT4 ;#DEF You should hear now the music of Tales of Tamar. If this is the case or if you want to skip this part, click onto -> OK <- ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT5 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is an internet based strategy game following old classical games like 'Kaiser' or 'Hanse'.\n\nDo you like network games? Have you ever asked yourself how it would be if instead of only two human players a unlimited number of human players play the dame game? Strategy games male as more fun as more players play it! That is possible with the internet...\n\nTo explain it more precisely: Tales of Tamar is a turn based Play-by-Email game. That means that every turn you make is send to the server. But don`t be afraid, you have only to click. You don`t have to learn any command :) \nTheoretically the number of players is unlimited. All players are located on the same world and so they will trade (or fight?!) with each other. You start as a ruler of a little kingdom and it is up to you to build up a rich and proud empire. With some screenshots we want show you how the final game will be...\n\nHave fun!\n\nYour ETERNITY-Team\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT6 ;#DEF This is the online-section of Tales of Tamar...\n\nThere is one problem: Because there is an unlimited number of human players, who will be on the world of ToT, it is not possible to program a self running demo.\n\nSo you can see a screenshot of each are of ToT with an explanation.\n\nYou can also chat or play online. The first online game is 'arm-pushing', a joystick-shake-me-dead-and-throw-me-away-game.\n\nThese games are only for having fun, they have nothing to do with the real game.\n\nNaturally you need an internet-accound and a configured TCP/IP-stack (miami 3.2). AmiTCP is not supported yet.\n\nWe would be grateful if someone send us a rexx-script for this :)\nAfter the Amiga version a PC and a Java version will be published. So you can play with every people, it doesn`t matter then what computer system this person uses.\n\nPerhaps you want to know why you have to wait so long time for Tales of Tamar?!The answer is hidden in this demo, find it :))\n\nMartin Wolf (alias Wolfen)\n\nChristian Beer (alias CeaBear)\n\nStefan Sch fer (alias MrDWord)\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT7 ;#DEF This function is not implemented in this demo. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT8 ;#DEF The emailer is not active in the demo! You have to go online first for joining the online-chat. A short click on the spider-web and the game will try to connect your isp... ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT9 ;#DEF Please choose your already installed TCP/IP-Stack. If you do not choose any stack, the online-chat and the online-games will be disabled. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_TITELTEXT10 ;#DEF This is the storeroom.\n\n\From here you can download new versions of Tales of Tamar directly from our servers.\n\nEvery available update will be displayed as wine casks. A chosen cask will provide information on \nthe update, update downloads are already working in the demo but the\n automatic installation is not implemented yet into the demo. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT1 ;#DEF Here you can see one of the towns of Tamar.\n\nAs you might already have noticed this town is quite small, more like a village.\n\nThe towns in Tamar are very flexible, all towns can be different from \neach other. Most of the buildings have got a special meaning, i. e. the marketplace \nis a place to trade, to buy and sell goods. The taverna we have already visited.\n At the windmills in the background you can enter the corn store, which we will see much more detailed soon.\nTowns are the bases of Tamar's realms. The more towns the more profit you will have. Towns give your armed forces the chance to relax,\nthey are the nerv centre of trade and research and they provide more safety to your frontier.\n\nEvery town might be improved individually and used for different purposes.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT2 ;#DEF A small town of Tamar. The ruler seems\n to attach great importance to clerical representation in the town. The cathedral exists surprisingly early and there are also barracks,\na port, a citizen hall, mills and much more.\n\nTo mention is, that you can name the towns by yourself whenever you found one. The name given by you will appear at every players screen.\n\nLet's move forward and take the next step....\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT3 ;#DEF This settlement is really worth to be called a town: cathedral and castle are built already,\na roll call court exists as well. In the background you can see city walls which are protecting the town.\n\nThis could be a capital of a realm at Tamar. It is important that the\nruler owns at least one town with many improvements. The castle gives\nadditional defense points and affects positively to the populations loyality.\n\nLoyality is a very important thing for every player. There are only three things which\ncan put the player out of the race: Death caused by age, if you have not got any successor,\n death if the player gets killed in action or death caused by anarchy in the players realm.\n\nAnarchy emerges from the loss of the people's loyalty to its ruler and ends up with cutting off the rulers head...\n\nThe cathedral cares for more assistance of gods. There are\n10 different streams of faith, one of them has the player to choose at the beginning of the game.\nThe decision made in the beginning will affect to the game sometimes. Churches, abbeys\n and cathedrals are tributes to these gods.\n\nThe roll call courts and barracks are places where you can recruit and train your armed forces. Armed forces\n are needed to conquer new countries and to secure your realm from your enemies.\nArmed forces can be recruited, drilled and trained in every town with a barrack improvement. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT4 ;#DEF Here you can see a town of the 4. stage, also called metropolis. Here pulses the life! Here can live up to 1.000.000 humans and other creatures.\n\nThis metropolis has no castle, probably it is a big trading point and has nearly nothing to do with war. You have the possiblity to trade with the human players and grow because of this. A kingdom for example can be the connection of two other kingdoms and so the ruler has the possibility to get rich with smart trading. In this example ruler B buys from ruler A what ruler C needs. Because of the geographical location of a kingdom it is possible that ruler A can`t trade with ruler C directly or he or she even doesn`t know that ruler B bought the things from ruler A.\n\nBut it is a long journey before you will have a metropolis.\n\nTowns can be destroyed by catastrophes or war. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT5 ;#DEF Welcome to the trade-register of Tales of Tamar! Here you can buy ware, sell ware or trade with other rulers. You can also look at your gold here.\n\nOn the right side you can buy weapons and other things. For the most things there will be an animation.\nOn the ware market you can have a look at the offers of other rulers and perhaps you accept one :)\nThe ware of other kingdoms is, not like the ware on the right, not available before the next quarter of the game.\n\nOn the bottom you can make your own offers. Other rulers can view your offer in the next round. The ruler who makes the best offer gets the ware. So when you need a ware you have to make a good offer.\n\nOn the left you can see a little picture about your gold.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT6 ;#DEF This is the report-screen. After every turn a report of the last turn is presented, before you can go on.\n\nThere are reports about war in neighbour kingdoms, about succesful tradings, how your population grows (I hope that your population grows :). You can read everything what you should to know here...\n\nYou can have a look at statistics of a war and you can watch the war! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT7 ;#DEF This is the diplomacy-sector. On the following screens you can write peace-, trade-, 'Not-Attack'-treaties and you can send private messages to other rulers here.\n\nThe dipomacy-sector is used to communicate with other rulers. Public discussions have to be hold in the tavern...\n\nYou can write any treaty, but there are already some treaties between which you can choose. All treaties are viewed and evulated by the game-masters. So it is possible to marry the daughter of another ruker when you give to his/her kingdom weat for five years.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT8 ;#DEF The first section is about peace and other politic treaties. You can have a look at the treaties and you can send messages from here.\nYou can break treaties. But be careful! Every ruler in your neighbourhood get a message when you break a treaty. And everyone can look at your statistics!\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT9 ;#DEF This section is about trade treaties. For example they are usefull, when you don`t have enough weat for your folk to eat. So you can make a treaty with another ruler who has enpugh weat. So he/she will give you 15 units of weat for 3 years for the price of 300 gold pieces. So you would get weat for 12 rounds from him automatically.\nYou can have a look at your treaties and statistics, too.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT10 ;#DEF And here are the other treaties. Here are all treaties, which you haven`t found on the sides before.\n\nYou can write any treaty. This treaty will be send to the game master and he/she says if it is ok or not.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT11 ;#DEF With embassies you can communicate with other rulers. You can write emails as long as you want. So you can send the newest information to another ruler. But with spys other rulers can read this message, too. So it is not a bad idea to train a good security service...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT12 ;#DEF And this is the research sector of Tamar. There are 7 different parts to research. There are alchemy, astronomy, nature, war, technics, medicine and theology.\nAs bigger the stage of a research as better the seer can help you. There are 7 stages to research of each part\nSome things you can`t build before you have not researched something.\nWhen you research war, your army will fight better and so on..\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT13 ;#DEF This is the alchemy section.\nAlchemy is the chemistry of Tamar.\nHere you can search for harder iron or even the 'Drink-of-Life'.\nYou can look how far your research is done and what the next stage will bring you...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT14 ;#DEF Hey... Here you can research technics.\n\nBut, what is technic? With technic we mean all things that you need all the day. For example the things which needs workers, farmerssurgeondentists,...\n\nAs higher the stage is as better a cheaper you can product things.\nThe best techicans are the gnomes. Humans are not as good as the gnomes. So it will be good to invest some money to the technic research.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT15 ;#DEF The theology...\n\nWith theology we mean the believing to god of the people. Every player can select a god at the beginning of the game.\n\nThere are three different kinds of gods:\n\nGods of war and of the death.\nGods of the elements.\nGods of the growing.\nThese are dividet into under-groups. There are:\n\n-Gods of war and death\n-Gods of peace\n-Gods of fertility\n-Gods of fire\n-Gods of water\n-Gods of earth\n-Gods of air\n-Gods of farming\n-Gods of stockbreeding\n-Gods of mining\n\nEach of this under-groups can have another under-group! Each god has its` own name\nIt is possible that when your population has a strong believing to their god, the god will help you sometimes...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT16 ;#DEF Welcome to the options-screen of Tales of Tamar...\n\nHere you can edit your personal configuration of ToT.\n\nFor example you can choose between CD-Rom and Digibooster-Sound, between AHI and Paula and much more things\nPerhaps you can use a Wabetable-Routine in later versions...\n\nBut let us go to the next screen...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT17 ;#DEF The second page is about the internet-options.\n\nBecause ToT is an internet-based game, you have to do some configuration about your internet connection (TCP/IP-stack, POP3-Server,...). There have to be an installed TCP/IP-stack like Miami or AmiTCP.\nPerhaps the last option will surpise you. Here you can choose between connection with 'Email' or 'Modem'.\n\nEh, this option is for those people, who can not connect to the internet because their provider has a problem but they have to do an important moove. So they can select 'Modem' and he will be connected with the ETERNITY-Mailbox. But this is not the cheapest method!\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT18 ;#DEF Here you can edit your personal modem settings.\n\nYou can fill in here the device and the unit of your modem. Of course their will be a list of modems were you can select your modem and its configuration.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT19 ;#DEF The special-screen...\n\nThe rulers has the possiblity to retain specialists. Some of these specialists are clericians, magicians, seer, wise man,...\n\nBut all these people want to be paid for every month, but he will also help you :)\nThey will tell you if you have done some wrong configurations of the empire, they will warn you if your folk is unhappy...\nBut not every wise man is as wise as the other.\nSome will train you so that you can win some gold (or something other) on tournaments\n\nClericians.are people which hepl you to be in contact with your selected god and they can also look for magical herbs.These herbs can be good for nearly everything. But at first you have to find out for what ;)\nMagicians can help you to find magical artefacs. But this can only be found in dungeons. You have to find this dungeons, they can be everywhere on Tamar.The magician can die when he explores the dungeon and so every magical artefact will get lost what he had. There can also be duells between magician where one magician will die...\n\nSeer can look into the future. For example they can say how much corn you will get next year. But it is not always true what your seer tells you!\n\nThere are more specialists, but I think this is enough for the demo...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT20 ;#DEF Statistics...\n\nOk, I think it is clear what you can view here.\nHere you can select a theme and can have a look at a lot of statistics...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT21 ;#DEF This is the tax-screen\nHere you have the possibility to get money from your folk.\nThere are different taxes:\n\n-judicial tax\n-church tax\n-tax which everyone have to pay\n-help tax\n-the 10.\n-toll tax\n\nThe toll tax for example is the tax, which everyone have to pay who wants to transfer ware out of a town.\nYou can read more about the different taxes in the manual.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT22 ;#DEF This is the weat store. Here you can say, for what you want use the weat.\n\nIn the back you can see the harvest of your kingdom. At the store you see how much weat you have actually.\nWhen there is too much weat in the store, rats will be lucky :)\nSo you should sell your weat which you have too much before the rats eat it.\nPerhaps the neighbour kingdom have had a bad harvest...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT23 ;#DEF Here you can the silo of the weat store.\nYou can look here, how much weat your folk needs and how much should be in the store.\nAlso you can see here weather forecast and the faith of the folk to you.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT24 ;#DEF Wow, this is the screen of your security service...\n\nWith saboteurs you can destroy buildings of your opponent or you can 'destroy' a trade between two other kingdoms. But as more you want from a saboteur as more he costs.\n\nWith spys you can look which stage the macigian of ruler x has or which taxes he takes from his folk. Or do you want to know how big his/her army his..?\n\nThe security service helps you to find a spy in your kingdom, who a king of another kindoms has sent to you.\nPerhaps you made a peace treaty with a king in your neighbourhood. But now your security service find out, that there are some spys and saboteurs from this king...\n\nYou see, you can do bad things here.. :)\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT25 ;#DEF Here we go! This is the barrack screen.\n\nHery you can do everything which has something in common with armys. Train, recruit a army. Give them better weapons. When have a good army, the other kings will respect you. Especially then, when you have some special wepaons.\nThe dwarfs are known as good producers of weapons and armours.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT26 ;#DEF here you can organise your infantery.\n\nHery you can see how much recruits you have.\n\nOn the bottom the infantery is liestened seperately. All informations will be displayed on the right side.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT27 ;#DEF Here you can select, how long a rmy should be trained. The better you train an army the better this army will fight.\nThe middle part shows you get informations about the state of an army.\n\nYou can only train an army in a twon with a barrack.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT28 ;#DEF Here you can organise your bought weapons.\n\nOn the left side you can see all weapons you could have. In the middle of the screen you get some information about them.On the right side you see a list of all armys, which can use this weapons.\nFor example a hunter doesn`t need a lance.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SLIDETEXT29 ;#DEF So, last but not least...\nThis is the residence-screen, the main-screen of Tales of Tamar.From here you can go to every screen you want. On the bottom on the left is a buttom which will connect you to the internet and announces you to Tales of Tamar. After that you will be placed by one of the ToT game leader on the worl of Tamar.Then you are a pert of history of Tamar and you can chat with other players and of course you can play the game :))\nAs you know now Tales of Tamar is a turn based game. A turn takes two days.You don`t have to be online all the time.It takes only about to 5 minutes to dwonload and send the needed files. Ok, when you chat it takes more time than 5 minutes ;)\n\nThere will be a trader version and a PD version. The PD version could be downloaded from the Aminet. Because of the big datas there would be no animations, no intro and no CD-Rom tracks.\n\nWe hope you got enough informations about ToT.\n\nWhen ToT will be released, there will be a book about it. Look at www.tamar.net for more informations./n/nLet us create a new world and be a part of tis history...\n\nHave fun...\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT1 ;#DEF What is a CD-Rom-Device?\n\nA CD-Rom-Device is e.g. the 'scsi.device' or the 'cybppc.device'.\n\n\nWhy should I fill in my device?\n\nYou don`t have you fill in this, but if you don`t do that you can`t hear the CD-Rom-Audio-Tracks. And they are great :)\n\nAnd what is about the unit?\n\nDon`t fill in this in this requester. This will be asked later.\n\n\nHow can I leave the requester?\n\nClick onto -> X <- or hit to leave this requester.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT2 ;#DEF What is a CD-Rom-Unit?\n\nA CD-Rom-Unit describes the number, at which bus the system found the CD-Rom. At SCSI-Controlers t\the number can be between 0 and 7, at IDE-Controlers it can be between 0 and 3.\n\nYou can leave the requester when you click onto -> X <-\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT3 ;#DEF What is a nickname?\n\nA nickname is an alias for you in the Online-Chat. This is your name in the chat. Later you can only login with your player-name. Be careful! Don`t use in your nickname! Possible nicknames are 'Lord_Ivanhoe' or 'Wolfen'.\n\n\nWhat is a channel?\n\nA channel is a virtual room were you can communicate with people from all over the world! This is possible with the internet.\n\n\nInternet?\n\nEh, are you sure that you want ask that? ;))\n\n\nAnd how much does it cost?\n\nYou pay the same costs as when you surf in the internet. And if chatting is to expensive for you: in the final game there will be the possibility to communicate with emails. The chat room is only a feature of ToT.\n\nClick onto -> X <- to close this requester.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT4 ;#DEF What can I do with this requester?\n\nThis is a chat room. In the window on the top the text will be displayed. When you click onto the section on the bottom, a cursor appears and you can write some text. When you hit your text will be displayed on the top and everyone can read what you have written!\n\nWhat can I do with the earth icon?\n\nWhen you click onto the earth you can have a look at a list of all opened chat rooms.In the final release of ToT there will be chat rooms for every language. This is disabled in this demo.\n\nAnd what can you tell me about the questionmark?\n\nYou can also click on it. Then a requester with a list of all players who are in the chat room appears.\n\nAnd how can I leave the requester?\n\nClick onto the -> X <- or hit >escape>.\n ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_INFOTEXT5 ;#DEF You can freely choose with which TCP/IP program you want go online.\n\nWhen you want have a look at the online section of ToT a TCP/IP stack have to be installed before. In this requester you have to choose which TCP/IP program you have installed and configured.\n\nWhen you don`t select a TCP/IP program or when you click onto -> X <- no TCP/IP will be used and the online section will be disabled. ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_FAILURETEXT1 ;#DEF No. So it can`t work. Ok, this time there will be no music to listen! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_FAILURETEXT2 ;#DEF You can`t chat without a nicknamet!! ;#SET (//) TOT_DEMO_SPECIALTEXT ;#DEF Congratulations...\n\nYou found the Special-Text of this demo. I will now explain, why you you have to wait so long for Tales of Tamar.\n\nAt first I have to say that ToT really is a big project. The final game will be released on min. 2 CDs. The explanation of the ToT-API is 400 pages long. And then there is the PC and Java version...\nI read today that Paul Burkey wrote 14.000 lines new code for Foundation. At the moment ToT has 62.500!!! The server of ToT has 30.000 lines!!!\n\nAbout the demo:\n\nI began with ToT for 2 years and I`m not very happy that I can`t show you more than this things in this demo. In these two years the team of ToT changed completely around me. Some people asked me if it is good to go on with ToT. Later this people will say to me 'Hey, nice program!' and then they will ask me for a job.\n\nI think that this demo is the right step into the future and we will release now more often some updates. We will release ToT for the Amiga!\n\nI hope that we do a good job so that you will say "Wow, what a game!"\n\nwith great regards\n\nMartin Wolf ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT1 ;#DEF Please fill in your nickname: ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT2 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar isn`t online! Do you want to go online? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT3 ;#DEF You aren`t online, so you can`t play the online games... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT4 ;#DEF Do you want to read the manual? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_INFOTEXT1 ;#DEF What is a nickname?\n\nA nickname is an alias for you in the Online-Chat. This is your name in the chat. Later you can only login with your player-name. Be careful! Don`t use in your nickname! Possible nicknames are 'Lord_Ivanhoe' or 'Wolfen'.\n\n\nWhat is a channel?\n\nA channel is a virtual room were you can communicate with people from all over the world! This is possible with the internet.\n\n\nInternet?\n\nEh, are you sure that you want ask that? ;))\n\n\nAnd how much does it cost?\n\nYou pay the same as when you surf in the internet. And when chatting is to expensive for you: in the final game there will be the possibility to communicate with emails.\n\nClick onto -> X <- to close this requester. ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_INFOTEXT2 ;#DEF Manual for the online-game: arm-pushing\n\nThis is a joystick gamewhen you don`t know what to do. It is the first online game. You play against another human player. The one who can shake from the left to the right faster than his/her opponent wins.\n\n1.\nFill in your nickname...\n\n2.\nGo online...\n\n3.\nThen you are in the fight room. On the top on the left and right side you can see two pictures. When you click onto the left picture you see a list of all players.When you click onto right you can watch the HiScore.\n\n4.\nChoose a player as your opponent and click onto the fight button on the right side of the bottom.\n\n5.\nThe requester moves away and a message will appear.\n\n6.\nAfter this message you can begin. Your oppenent is a human player, who can be from all over the world!\n\nHave fun!\n\nYour ETERNITY-Team. ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_FAILURETEXT1 ;#DEF Without a name you can not connect to the internet! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT1 ;#DEF A new game begins... ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT2 ;#DEF Do you want to play again? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT3 ;#DEF Manual for the offline-game: Runestone\n\nRunestome is a think game for one person. You have to find out a combination of 5 stones.\n\nThe area of the game is dividete into four parts. The host of the tavern puts his stones swaped on the top. You put your stones on the middle of the screen. Select your stones on the bottom. With the cursor you can move the white quadrat.\n\nWhen you put a row of stones, the host of the tavern will tell you which stones are right. There are two possibilities:\n\n1.\nBlack means, that one stone is on the right place, but the host will not tell you which.\n\n2.White means that one stone is right but it isn`t on the roght place...\n\nAfter that, you can put the next row. This procedure is repeated six times. When you put all stones on the right place, you win the game!\n\nHave fun!\n\nYour ETERNITY-Team ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT4 ;#DEF Conratulations! You found out the combination! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT5 ;#DEF Too bad! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT6 ;#DEF This button is without a function yet... ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT7 ;#DEF Do you want have a look at the game again? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_RUNETEXT8 ;#DEF Click mouse button when you are ready ;#SET (//) TOT_INTEROPT_MIAMIDX ;#DEF MiamiDx ;#SET (//) TOT_INTEROPT_ALWAYSONLINE ;#DEF Always Online ;#SET (//) TOT_CHOOSE_TCPIP ;#DEF no TCP/IP stack installed ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT1 ;#DEF The selected TCP/IP-Stack is not correctly installed. Couldn`t go online! ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT2 ;#DEF Try to go online... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT3 ;#DEF Couldn`t go online ! ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT4 ;#DEF Couldn`t find port of TCP/IP-Stack ! Have you correcty installed Miami ? Have you set the assigns? ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT5 ;#DEF Error in Online-Script! ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT6 ;#DEF Try to go online... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT7 ;#DEF Found port of TCP/IP-Stack. Try to go online ... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT8 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is online... ;#SET (//) TOT_GOONLINE_TEXT9 ;#DEF Tales of Tamar is online... (TCP/IP-Stack was already started ;-)) ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT1 ;#DEF Error ! It wasn`t possible to announce for the Chat ! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT2 ;#DEF The announcement was succesful. You can chat now. ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT3 ;#DEF Chat-Room ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT4 ;#DEF Sorry, but in this demo you can not challenge s.o. from this place. We will built in this feature soon B) ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT5 ;#DEF Player ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT6 ;#DEF leaves the channel ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT7 ;#DEF enters the channel ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT8 ;#DEF Error ! It was possible to announce but this nickname exists already! Do you want to enter the password ? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT9 ;#DEF Please enter password : ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT10 ;#DEF Please enter new nickname : ;#SET (//) TOT_ONLINECHAT_TEXT11 ;#DEF Eh... I lost the connection to the server. Following error occured : ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT5 ;#DEF Logged in succesfully ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT6 ;#DEF Ehm... Whether the player doesn`t answer or the connection broke dwon... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT7 ;#DEF We didn`t get an user-list from the server or you are thrown out ! Please wait ! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT8 ;#DEF Hmm... This user was thrown out ! Please try it again... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT9 ;#DEF Please don`t challenge yourself ;) ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT10 ;#DEF Victory ! The loser on the other side had no chance... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT11 ;#DEF Hard fight ! Alas you have lost... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT12 ;#DEF Your nickname exists already or it is not desired. The server closed the connection ! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT13 ;#DEF You are challenged by player ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT14 ;#DEF to arm-pushing ! Do you want accept this challenge ? ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT15 ;#DEF The computers will be connected ! Get ready ... ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT16 ;#DEF The player ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT17 ;#DEF is afraid of you and don`t want to fight against you! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT18 ;#DEF is busy at the moment ! ;#SET (//) TOT_ONGAMES_SCREENTEXT19 ;#DEF accepts the challenge ! ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT1 ;#DEF Do you want to read the texts about the screenshots ? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT2 ;#DEF Do you want to go online ? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT3 ;#DEF Do you want to got offline ? ;#SET (//) TOT_TAVERNE_TEXT4 ;#DEF Here you can go to the IRC-Chat. Do you want to connect ? ;#SET (//)